The Art of Catching the Bouquet
The bouquet toss is a tradition in most weddings receptions. It is an interactive activity by which wedding couples include their guest in the celebration. The bride gathers all the single women in attendance. She turns her back and tosses her bouquet into the air for someone to catch. The myth of the tradition is whoever catches the bouquet will be the next in line to get married.
For many women, this superstition of throwing the bouquet is not to be taken lightly. If you envision yourself to be the next one within your circle of friends to walk down the aisle, you need more than luck on your side. It will takes skill and know- how to pull this off. You must practice of the Art of the Bouquet Toss, a technique to greatly improve your chances.
Mental Preparedness
Recite the mantra, “I believe that I am destined to be next to be married and the bouquet is rightfully mine”. You are to repeat it three times. This is to get you in the spirit and channel the bouquet’s energy to be thrown in your direction.
Strategic Planning
Focus on the key objective: Covet thy bridal bouquet. Remember you have only a few minutes to assess the selected area for the toss. Create a few scenarios in your mind by taking mental notes of possible ways of direction the bouquet will be thrown.
GPS positioning
When the call is given for all the single ladies to go to the designated area for the toss, choose your position wisely. Avoid being jam-packed in the middle because it will restrict your movement. You may need to do some quick maneuvering for a better access to the targeted bouquet sighting.
Polite Aggressiveness
By all means, take control of your destiny by taking control of the situation. There are quite of few number of ladies wanting the same as you. You have to show them that you want it more. Be aggressive but never violent. Elbowing and Knee jerking is not appropriate nor lady like.
Use your body to help. If you are tall, use your height as a benefit. And if you are shorter than the other ladies make sure you are in the front of the pack. So, if the bride throws the bouquet short you can dive forward to retrieve it faster.. If the bouquet is tossed long and high and you are of a taller stature, it would behoove you to utilize the height to stretch long and snatch it right out of the air.
There are various techniques of catching the bouquet but let’s start with the basics. First, keep your eyes on the prize by zeroing in on the bouquet from the moment it leaves the bride’s hand and releases into the air. Second, you must maneuver in the direction it is thrown. Third, extend your arms towards the bouquet as it approaches. Catching the bouquet is a skill. Base on your skill set you may want to try these most popular techniques:
Catch and Hold–Grab and clamp down quickly as soon as the bouquet hits the palm of your hand. If this is your first time, you may want to use two hands to avoid someone from knocking it out of your hands. For those professional bouquet catchers, one hand catch can be sustained the catch by holding you arm firmly in the air. Once in hand hold it up for all to see.
Catch and Tuck- It is similar to the first technique but with more body movement. Instead of holding the bouquet up after the catch, tuck down into a crunch position. Swiftly tuck the bouquet in the middle of the body. Be careful not to damage the flowers.
The Dive-This movement is contingent upon your skill level. Gracefully, lunge in the direction of the throw by keeping one foot on the ground. Extend your hands to catch. For a more dramatic technique, lunge with both feet off the ground. This sometimes not as graceful but sometimes effective. If by chance, you fall to the ground, do not just lie there. Instead combine the tuck and roll combination. Again try not to damage the bouquet. Jump up into standing position and raise the bridal bouquet in the air like an Olympian.
Tip: Practice make perfect.
You may want to practice these techniques at home before trying in public.
Tip: By Any Means Necessary
When all else fails retrieve the bridal bouquet by any means necessary without hurting yourself and others.